Monthly Archives: February 2009

Great Arab Conquests (again)

I have read a couple more chapters in this book — which is thick with detail. I cannot honestly remember all the names of people and places. But what I take away is that the expansion of Islam was facilitated … Continue reading

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Pith and Wisdom

Football is a mistake. It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings. – George F. Will

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An Initial Response to "The Great Arab Conquests"

As part of a course on Middle Eastern Literature that I am teaching — or rather workshopping with the students, we all are reading one book independently. I selected from our school library — bless the librarians for ordering such … Continue reading

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A Warm February Day

Today is unseasonably warm and so while my husband bicycled to the lab to work, the children and I and the dog went to a park to walk and play tennis. The dog found a lacrosse ball and got rather … Continue reading

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