Great Arab Conquests (again)

I have read a couple more chapters in this book — which is thick with detail. I cannot honestly remember all the names of people and places. But what I take away is that the expansion of Islam was facilitated by unanticipated factors — such as the weakness of Rome, the devastation of the plague, etc.
Also I find fascinating how far Christianity had spread by the mid 630s. At one point, Kennedy asserts that most of the people of the Sasanian Empire were Christian and only the ruling elite practiced Zoroastrianism, which was the state religion.

About forstegrupp

Currently I am an English teacher at an independent school outside of Philadelphia. To arrive at this way point, I spent many years in graduate school researching, reading, learning, and studying and finally earned a doctorate in comparative literature from Harvard University. I specialized in medieval orality and literacy. My private interests include baking, knitting, spinning, and gardening.
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