A List of Summer Doings

Now that summer is drawing to a close, I want to make a list of what I managed to accomplish or do so I remember that not every day was full of nothing. Sometimes the days that are full of nothing are actually full of the most life.

1. graduation celebration for middle child who will attend McGill University this fall
2 week vacation in Kaua’i with the family
3. floors refinished on the first and second floor — this was a huge deal because everything (pictures, furniture, curtains) had to be removed from each room and put somewhere else
4. repainted the children’s study room “Moroccan Spice” (that took 2 days) and learned to patch plaster walls using adhesive patch tape (miracle invention)
5. had a watercolor lesson with Helena and we painted purple clematis at her house
6. learned to make an accordian book at a local art store and then made several — including a birthday one for my husband
7. planned and executed a memorable weekend for my mother-in-law including dinner at Moshulu and a trip to Longwood Gardens
8. made her a picture book of the weekend and sent it to her house
9. drove children all over Philadelphia
10. reconnected with a long lost friend over McDonald’s ice coffee
11. solidified friendship with a colleague at former place of work
12. had happy hours with my “big sister”
13. started spinning wool again
14. went on overnight camping trip with book group
15. dealt with a dog who got a bad case of fleas and could not stop scratching
16. started working out again (sporadically)
17. sorted out and filed away lots and lots of papers related to teaching and home stuff
18.  spent way too much money

About forstegrupp

Currently I am an English teacher at an independent school outside of Philadelphia. To arrive at this way point, I spent many years in graduate school researching, reading, learning, and studying and finally earned a doctorate in comparative literature from Harvard University. I specialized in medieval orality and literacy. My private interests include baking, knitting, spinning, and gardening.
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