Monthly Archives: April 2015

Writing101: What weighs on my mind

Just a few minutes ago, I called a good friend who  lives far away and is battling cancer. Her voice was hoarse, and she sounded exhausted. Her doctors have switched her chemo attempting to arrest the growth of several tumors. … Continue reading

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NYTimes: The Cuddly, Fluffy, Surreal World of Angora Show Bunnies

NYTimes: The Cuddly, Fluffy, Surreal World of Angora Show Bunnies You have to click on the link above to see the bunnies photographed by Andres Serranos, who usually is making rather more controversial art. Of course the comments are more … Continue reading

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How goes the Poetry Time Line Project?

The students have been working for the last 2 days on their timelines in addition to the 2 days before they had spring break. Each class has two teams to create their timeline. They have needed lots of supplies: construction paper, … Continue reading

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