The Garden Moves (metaphorically)

I have made an executive decision to include my garden as part of the posting on this main page.  This means that I copied everything on the Garden Page and pasted into this post.

My decision did not come except after some consideration since it set me thinking about the purpose of this blog: teaching, honing the craft of writing, ruminating?

This is my blog. It is for my pleasure and if others enjoy it, bless them!

So cie le vie!

The weekend of May 1/2 saw more Turkish tulips blooming. The blue ceramic bunny was a find at a local consignment shop. His one ear is broken but I still thought he needed a place in our yard.

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By April 30, the Turkish tulips are opening in their delicate, elegant glory. Slender, pointed buds that peel apart petal by petal to reveal the contrasting inner eye or petals.


This weekend (April 18/19) the flowering trees started blooming: magnolias, pears, cherries. The warmer temperatures just popped out the blossoms. And now the trees have those tiny yellow-green leaves (as Frost says “Nature’s first green is gold) but those will soon transform into full green leaves in must a matter of days.


Turkish tulips in amongst the daffodils.


A new addition to the garden sculpture. A heavy cat. And look at his purple bow tie!

This weekend (April 11-12, 2015), I spent several hours cleaning up the leaves and branches from the winter. Below is a series of pictures which shows what is currently blooming and also what I planted and where in the garden.

Bright purple crocuses.

Bright purple crocuses.

Assortment of crocuses along native plant bed.

Assortment of crocuses along native plant bed.

Daffodils beginning to open underneath the flaming maple by the driveway.

Daffodils beginning to open underneath the flaming maple by the driveway.

Near the fence is a row of buttercrunch lettuce and next to it is a row of gourmet leaf lettuce.

Near the fence is a row of buttercrunch lettuce and next to it is a row of gourmet leaf lettuce.

Different types of beans planted here.

Different types of beans planted here.

Daffodils beginning to open underneath the flaming maple by the driveway.

Daffodils beginning to open underneath the flaming maple by the driveway.


Rhubard coming up through the oak leaves.

About forstegrupp

Currently I am an English teacher at an independent school outside of Philadelphia. To arrive at this way point, I spent many years in graduate school researching, reading, learning, and studying and finally earned a doctorate in comparative literature from Harvard University. I specialized in medieval orality and literacy. My private interests include baking, knitting, spinning, and gardening.
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