Reporting on the Summer Garden

Now that it is early July, it is time to take note of what is blooming in the garden. The daylilies are magnificent — especially if the colors are rich and dark. The yellow ones look a bit anemic or even acidic.

The other things that are very pretty are the poppy which are a translucent, glowing magenta. They are highlighted beautifully by the white daisies.

But oh after a week of being gone, there is so much weeding to do! And just tomorrow I leave for another week and then the garden will really be over grown! Who said that working in a garden was edenic?

Poppies with a yellow flower.

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About forstegrupp

Currently I am an English teacher at an independent school outside of Philadelphia. To arrive at this way point, I spent many years in graduate school researching, reading, learning, and studying and finally earned a doctorate in comparative literature from Harvard University. I specialized in medieval orality and literacy. My private interests include baking, knitting, spinning, and gardening.
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