Monthly Archives: July 2016

Garden in late July

Only a few things are blooming. No day lilies. They have faded  in the unrelenting heat. But purple monarda and daisies are open and attracting bees.

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Jazz by brass on the Seine

Walking last night along the Seine, SH heard a brass ensemble playing and we walked toward it across the bridge. It was a group of friends playing together after a picnic. They were not orchestra members escaping from the baton, … Continue reading

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Dancing on the Seine

On our first evening in Paris, we walked along the Seine and passed an outdoor restaurant on the bank of the river. There was a jazz band playing and people were dancing in the street. They jitterbugged, twirled, two-stepped, and … Continue reading

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My latest project for sanity

Knitting has always been a way for me to calm down, enter a zen-like state, and create something beautiful (if lucky). Another form of needle art that I occasionally practice is embroidery. The latest project involves embellishing a denim jacket … Continue reading

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The Charlotte Bronte I did not appreciate

Summer is such a wonderful time for teachers to read books we otherwise don’t have time for  during the school year. This is a new biography of Charlotte Bronte which Haverford Township Free Library had on its new book shelves. … Continue reading

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Some Observations about Guns

In four days I observed public displays on the subject of gun control: in Philadelphia and then in the rural areas of Indiana and Illinois. The differences could not be more telling. On June 18, walking to a piano lesson, … Continue reading

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Master Gardener in Cincinnati (for Richard & Judy)

This garden is the result of 30 years of loving care and time. Amongst all the plants are many sculptures and wind spinners. The plants are juxtaposed to create contrasts of color, texture, form, and height. The Gardner planted planted at … Continue reading

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