Iran: the preparations

Sometimes it is extremely nice to have a famous SH who gets invited to give speeches about his research. This is definitely one of those times. He got me to Paris in July and now it will be Iran!!!!!

We are leaving next Friday, and we will have a week to tour a small part of this fascinating country. I sadly must return for opening meetings at school while he remains behind to give his lectures at the University of Tehran.

The preparations have been unusual — at least for me: a first-time trip to travel medicine for shots and advice; shopping for appropriately modest garb to cover all feminine curvature; applying for visas with multiple steps of which the last one involves the Pakistani embassy in Washington, imageDC.

We have purchased several travel books to read including one on Iranian customs. Interesting to note that the thumbs up is discouraged since it means “up yours.”

But the very idea that we are going to this country is simply beyond belief.

imageOur itinerary is to fly into Tehran, be met by a guide, spend 2 days in Kashan, then spend 4 days in Isfahan before driving back to Tehran so I can return home. SH must remain behind and I hope he does something other than email.

The temperatures are going to be high. But actually over the next two days it might be cooler in Isfahan than Philly. They say the heat is dry unlike the humidity in Philly that makes each motion feel like you are trying to move through heavy water.


About forstegrupp

Currently I am an English teacher at an independent school outside of Philadelphia. To arrive at this way point, I spent many years in graduate school researching, reading, learning, and studying and finally earned a doctorate in comparative literature from Harvard University. I specialized in medieval orality and literacy. My private interests include baking, knitting, spinning, and gardening.
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