Spicy Hot Daylilies

When I was growing up, I only knew the common road-side orange daylilies. Now they come in all colors and shapes: lemon yellow, shadowy purple, rich burgundy, lime green, ruffled pink.

The lilies bloom from serial buds on a single scape. One lily blooms in the morning, shifting color all day, and then shrivels up at night. The next morning (or the morning after that) a new lily blooms.

Here are a few from our garden in the last few days.

Most of our daylilies I buy from a nursery in Missouri called Gilbert H. Wilde and Son. I do not tell you this as an advertisement, but just in case you also want to look at their amazing selection. When I do order from them, I make it a matter of principle to only buy the lilies which are on sale. When our daughter was born, they were selling a daylily that shared her name so of course I ordered those and planted them in the garden.

About forstegrupp

Currently I am an English teacher at an independent school outside of Philadelphia. To arrive at this way point, I spent many years in graduate school researching, reading, learning, and studying and finally earned a doctorate in comparative literature from Harvard University. I specialized in medieval orality and literacy. My private interests include baking, knitting, spinning, and gardening.
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