Monthly Archives: April 2019

How do you spoil high school seniors on your last day of class with them?

Today the senior advanced topic English elective meets for the last time. They requested a “fun” day while they work on their final papers about one of several books which they read in independent books groups. I remembered my promise … Continue reading

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Tulips and Spring

Yesterday SH and I took a drive into Delaware hoping to go to Mt. Cuba Center’s spring festival but it was not to be. They wanted us to park about 2 miles from the gardens and take a shuttle bus … Continue reading

Posted in chance encounters, garden, life in general | Leave a comment

Australia — hello and goodbye

Our time together in Australia passed so very quickly, but we created many wonderful memories: hiking through tropical forests, listening to the rushing water of several waterfalls, riding a ferry to Manly, gazing rapturously at the Sidney Opera House, actually … Continue reading

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