Monthly Archives: July 2019

Knitting and Window Boxes

I will return to Yellowstone and the Tetons in a later post, but wanted to throw this up there about a recent weekend spend in Nantucket in June. This was my second weekend in Nantucket and once again did some … Continue reading

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Coming to Grand Tetons in the Twilight

Yesterday SH and I arrived in the West for a vacation in Yellowstone but we started yesterday day with an overnight at Lake Jenny in Grand Teton National Park. The Tetons resemble the Alps in Grindelwald. Both raise straight up. … Continue reading

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The Horses of London

Recently SH and I were in London and visited the National Gallery and the British Museum on the same day. I was fascinated by the horses we saw in the art. First, we paid our respects to Whistlejacket in the … Continue reading

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Nantucket Weekend

For the second year in a row, SH was invited to speak at a conference given by a certain private equity firm. As an added perk, he is allowed to bring a + one. Thank goodness he still wants me … Continue reading

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