Monthly Archives: December 2019

Never knit one sock and then wait 2 years to knit the second sock

This I learned with much frustration, frogging, and reknitting. This pair of socks was started at least two years ago. Starter Husband chose the yarn from the stash requesting a tighter sock leg so the socks would not slip down … Continue reading

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The Queen of the Tearling series

Recently I blew through all three books of Erika Johansen’s Tearling series. The novels narrate how the young woman Kelsea comes to power in the kingdom of the Tearling which is in thrall to the neighboring kingdom of Mortmesne, ruled … Continue reading

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Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik

Some time in the last few months, I read Naomi Novik’s retelling of Rumplestiltskin, where the little gnome becomes a tall, handsome, emotionally distant elf. He rules a winter kingdom and periodically invades the human kingdom of green growing things. … Continue reading

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