Category Archives: dog

What kind of fortunes do dogs get?

When we get Chinese take-out, we always have several fortune cookies which go uneaten by humans. But our dogs love them. They love the crackle of the cellophane wraps. They love the snap when the cookies are broken. Then they … Continue reading

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Nantucket Weekend

For the second year in a row, SH was invited to speak at a conference given by a certain private equity firm. As an added perk, he is allowed to bring a + one. Thank goodness he still wants me … Continue reading

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Dogs in the Rijksmusem

Yesterday SH and I went to this museum and spent most of our time on the second floor in the 1600-1700 galleries. Given the vast number of paintings by famous artists, including Rembrandt’s “The Night’s Watch,” I decided for this … Continue reading

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Summer reading at last!

Folks sometimes ask during the school year, “What are you reading?” They expect me to reel off a long list of titles with short critical assessments. That is not the answer they get. “Right now, nothing.” This is always true … Continue reading

Posted in book review, books, dog, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Dog Found

Day Thirteen: Serially Found: On day four, you wrote a post about losing something. Today’s Prompt: write about finding something. Dogs run away. The dog we have now runs across the street to eat the food which a neighbor puts out … Continue reading

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Well, here is a picture of the latest member of the family. I tried to send the photo through picasa and it did not work. I had to click a link to get the pic. Bogus. The dog is a … Continue reading

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A new dog?

We have added a dog to the family. A rescue dog. Who knew this would happen? But it all began when a stray dog followed my daughter into the house and we had to keep her overnight until the SPCA … Continue reading

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