Category Archives: london

The Horses of London

Recently SH and I were in London and visited the National Gallery and the British Museum on the same day. I was fascinated by the horses we saw in the art. First, we paid our respects to Whistlejacket in the … Continue reading

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Dinosaurs in London?!

So one of my days in London I spent the entire afternoon at the Globe. I had a tour at 12:00 and then ate lunch and then went back for a Hamlet performance. I ate lunch on the south bank … Continue reading

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Goodbye to London, England, and Oxford

Since July 17 until today August 3, I have been here in the United Kingdom. The trip had three parts. The first week was with SH as we traveled by train around Wales. The second was a week in Oxford … Continue reading

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Snarky English Signage

This gallery contains 10 photos.

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A Globe, a River, and an Eye

Yesterday was a full day spent primarily in Southwark, exploring Borough Market and buying tea from Tea 2 You, having a tour of the Globe and then watching their performance of Hamlet, riding a river bus up to Westminster and … Continue reading

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London: The Tower, Westminister Abbey, and Lots of Walking

July 1, 2010Today was a day of total walking. It began after breakfast and a tube ride from St. James to Tower Hill on the District Line. This meant 7 stops going east. Once there, I walked to the entrance … Continue reading

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