Category Archives: music

World War 2 Musical Propaganda

Today driving into work, the magic witchbox (iPhone SE) continued playing all my music in alphabetical order. I am not sure how the music got on that setting, but it led to a very interesting contrast this morning. The first … Continue reading

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Finding Music in a Strange City

Here is what I do when visiting cities and towns in Europe — I find church concerts. My husband says I have an uncanny knack for this. We had arrived in Basel around noon, and about 3 pm I left to walk … Continue reading

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Music: a life-sound track — Frank Sinatra, Beethoven and Faure

I grew up listening to Frank Sinatra. My parents were huge fans but especially my father who was also a radio broadcaster. He broadcast in the days when folks had to create their own mixes using cuts from real records. … Continue reading

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