Category Archives: weaving

Weaving a plaid — it takes yardage

Weaving anything I am learning takes a great deal of yarn. For example, this third project used (conservatively) 940 yards of worsted weight alpaca and 200 yards of mohair. The warp was 112 inches long and there were 162 warp … Continue reading

Posted in crafts, weaving | 4 Comments

“Mom, you are just like Penelope”

Said our daughter as she saw me weaving on my rigid heddle loom. Except, thought my pedantic self, Penelope would be weaving on an upright loom. My SH liked this comparison because by extension that made him the wily and … Continue reading

Posted in crafts, weaving | 1 Comment

Not enough sticks!

The new loom came with two stick shuttles. All well and good until you want to use three different colors for your weft design and you don’t want to wait for the order to come from Webs and you don’t … Continue reading

Posted in crafts, weaving | 1 Comment

What was THE Christmas gift?

Something that has proven a most absorbing and entertaining activity during the two-week winter break which my school gives everyone. My SH of 30 years gave me (per a request submitted by a secret unknown informant) a 15-inch rigid heddle … Continue reading

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