Category Archives: words

What does it mean to analyze a poem — Donne’s “Death Be Not Proud” is on the dissecting table!

When I work with a poem, I will sometimes read it for pleasure but then will sometimes “pull” at it. Here is a series of pictures for how Donne’s sonnet was atomized. In the post for tomorrow, I will see … Continue reading

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What are two types of prayers and why is that interesting for a medievalist?

T.M. Luhrmann had an interesting piece about different types of prayer. Here is the permalink for her “Why We Talk in Tongues.” She says there are two main categories of Christian prayer: apophatic and katophatic. Apophatic prayer means emptying the … Continue reading

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Random — the word

Last week driving home on a Friday, it was dark. The car headlights pierced by tired eyes but then I perked up . NPR was finishing out the time before 6 pm with a bit of a linguistic ranting about … Continue reading

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Poetry as a Transformation of Mind

I just read a New York Times article “Philosophy and the Poetic Imagination: by Ernie Lapore and Matthew Stone about how how poetry demands a certain type of reading which must be cultivated and nourished and sustained. Here is the … Continue reading

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